The head of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Dr. Schwab, visited the ZfT in our new research hall in the Technology and Start-up Centre (TGZ) at Hubland in Würzburg and was impressed by our small satellites (in his hand) and the enormous range of applications.
In the picture from left: Dieter Sporn (Head of CeSMa at the Fraunhofer ISC, Würzburg), Prof. Dr. jur. Ralf Jahn (Managing Director IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt), Prof. Dr. Klaus Schilling (Board ZfT - Zentrum für Telematik e.V., Würzburg), Ministerial Director Dr. Bernhard Schwab (Bavarian State Ministry of Economics and Media, Energy and Technology), Dr. Alexander Zöller (Managing Director TGZ, Würzburg), Dipl.-Inform. Gunther Schorcht (green spin company, Würzburg)